I know many people love Medi-Cal because everything is basically free, but I can’t help but hate everything about my experience with it. I guess this is more of a complaint post, but I would love any advice on how to navigate the system, what’s normal to expect, and if there’s anything I can ask for to help my experience.

I have had insane difficulty finding a PCP calling every office asking if they accept new patients and almost none of them do. I eventually found ONE doctor and I have to wait 3+ months for an appointment. Is this normal? I thought they were supposed to assign you a doctor, but they keep changing my plan and I have no clue who to call.

I’ve needed to see an urgent care clinic multiple times in the last few months and have not been able to go because there are only 2 in all of my neighboring 20 miles that take Medi-Cal and they are all full by 12pm. I have to go during the times I have class or I have to schedule appointments 3 days out which defeats the purpose of urgent care.

I also have regularly worked with psychiatrists in the past for my diagnosed ADHD and tend to miss appointments at times. I missed two appointments with my Medi-Cal Psych and instead of paying a fee, they kicked me off the service and I can no longer work with the doctor. I totally understand, but every other office I’ve worked with just had me pay a missed appointment fee. I feel at a loss.

It makes me feel like there’s no way I can get a doctor to see me without waiting 3+ months and I’m just going to rot and fester without healthcare and no psych is going to keep me as a patient. Is this the majority experience with Medi-Cal? If not, can you share your experience? I want to appreciate this system for what it gives. Idk if I should just lie about my income to qualify for a covered California plan until they make me provide proof of income and kick me off. I would prefer to pay for an affordable monthly plan, but because of my income level as a student I can’t qualify for Covered California as I used to. Am I just unlucky with my location(Bay Area). I’m desperate to just have access to affordable healthcare that’s able to see and treat me in a timely fashion- this free healthcare has the longest wait times that are impossible to get to work with my student schedule and adhd.

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