help me understand how to get birth control!

hi! i'm an incoming first year student in a US college who was put on a college health insurance plan, and i'm trying to navigate my way through it so that i can get birth control pills for my PCOS.

i'm on UHC's student health insurance plan, and they're saying that for preventative care services, they'll cover 100 percent of the allowed amount? and that deductibles, copays and coinsurances don't apply for this category of healthcare? i don't really understand what the "allowed amount" means, so i'm confused on that as well.

they're also saying that you need to pay a certain amount for prescription drugs and physician visits. since both of these fall under the process of acquiring birth control pills, i was wondering if they're exempted from payment under preventative care services ( )

i'm aware that is was a long read and i apologize for that, but i'd be so grateful if anyone came forward and helped me out with all of this! <3

submitted by /u/fossilfuel03

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