Help me understand health insurance part 1.

I am very ignorant about health insurance. I understand the basics, but I find it helpful to have an example bill and how each type of insurance covers that bill. Please link me if these examples have been done before. Sorry if this has been asked and answered.

Assume I’m a 45 F with hx of breast cancer and in remission after mastectomy and chemo. Zip code 75205. Income: $50k

Example bill #1.

I’m visiting my doctor with the visit costing $400 out of pocket and labs costing $400 out of pocket.

Market place HMO: I pay my co-insurance/copay up to the out of pocket maximum.

Employer sponsored PPO: I pay co-insurance/copay up to to the out of pocket maximum.

Indemnity with limit of $5k daily: I would pay co-insurance/copay + anything above the daily allowance.

Example bill #2:

I got runned over by a car and needed 5 surgeries and 3 week ICU stay. Bill totals $400k

Market place HMO: I pay my out of pocket max.

Employer sponsored PPO: I pay my out of pocke max.

Indemnity with limit of $5k daily: I would pay ~$300k ($400k – 100k (5k*21 days)).


The employee sponsored and market place plan cannot deny me coverage for having previously had breast cancer.

But any indemnity or non ACA compliant insurance can deny my coverage. However they cannot deny my claim after they have extended me coverage.

The HMO and the PPO differs in the amount of doctors/facilities in network. The HMO requires my primary care doctor to refer me before I can see a specialist. They also differ in the co-pay and co-insurance.

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If my doctor wants me to get an MRI of my back after I’m released from the hospital, the HMO and PPO can deny my claim if they find it medically unnecessary.

Do I have the correct understanding of how these things generally work?