I am an international student on an F1 visa and I am thinking of changing my insurance plan from my college insurance (this is the current plan) to Wellaway Insurance plan because the college plan is very expensive. Is Wellaway a legit company? I have 0 knowledge about the US Health insurance and I decided to go very deep in searching insurance plans but I only found Wellaway to fit in my college's waiver requirements. These are the requirements:

2024/2025 Insurance Requirements

If all the insurance requirements are not specified in your summary of benefits, additional documentation will be required.

Unlimited Maximum Benefit for covered medical expenses. Coverage for essential benefits (with no dollar limits), as defined under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This includes: pharmacy mental health services maternity benefits preventive care, ~and coverage for pre-existing conditions~ pediatric dental and vision coverage A policy year deductible of $500 or less. Maximum total out-of-pocket expenses cannot exceed $8,200 per member ($16,400 per family) with preferred providers. Deductibles, coinsurance, and copays all count toward the out-of-pocket maximum.) A minimum of 75% coinsurance payable by the insurance plan to network providers. Plan is not a Travel plan or for Emergency/urgent care only. At least $100,000 in coverage for repatriation and medical evacuation. Coverage includes effective dates spanning the entire period for which the waiver is requested. Fall – 08/01/2024 through 12/31/2024 Spring – 01/01/2025 through 05/31/2025 Summer – 06/01/2025 through 07/31/2025 Plan document(s) in English, with currency amounts converted to U.S. dollars, and the insurance company contact phone # in the U.S. Insurer has a base of operations in the US or has a US based claims payer. Insurer is authorized to do business in Kansas and is providing coverage under a health insurance policy that has been filed and approved by the Kansas Department of Insurance. Coverage is provided by an employer’s group plan which is compliant with items 1-11 or is backed by the full faith and credit of the student’s home government.

See also  COBRA Insurance Question

Now the problem is I don't know enough about US insurance plans. Wellaway doesn't look scammy from outside, but haven't read any of the reviews yet. Can anyone compare this plan by Wellaway that I'm thinking of choosing which says it's ACA comparable or this plan which says it's ACA compliant with my school plan? I guess both of these fulfill the college waiver requirements. But I am at a foreign country and I don't want to take any big risks (especially health). You might say take the college one, but I could save a significant amount of money if I take steps right. Anyone help?

submitted by /u/VirusAwkward1496