Help me pick a plan for my son (1yr old) and I (he will need operation soon)

Hi all!

Need some help choosing a plan for my son and I. I am beginning a new job, and have some options outlined below.

For background, I have not had insurance for a WHILE (I'm 25), my son will finally have insurance, he was home-birthed about 1 year ago.

I am incredibly health (knock on wood), he has been, as well… With that, we anticipate a potential operation to be needed for him very soon.

He will need an umbilical hernia surgery. With that, I have a few questions:

1.) Which insurance of the below should I opt for given this?

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield EPO 35 – I pay ~$461 monthly – no deductible, out-of-pocket maximum ($4,000)

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HDHP 2500 – I pay ~$370 monthly – deductible ($5,000), out-of-pocket maximum ($6,850)

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO 2000 – I pay ~$520 monthly – deductible ($2,000), out-of-pocket maximum ($6,000)

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO 500 – I pay ~$645 monthly – deductible ($500), out-of-pocket maximum ($3,500)

We have a surgeon in mind that we want to go with, and I see that they accept Anthem BCBS, but it's unclear to me that all of the above plans would be covered? I can PM the surgeon's info for those that can investigate further, or do I call directly? It says they accept Anthem BCBS, but I didn't see any mention of the EPO plan specifically.

I have not a clue what the cost of such an operation is, I see ranges online from ~$7k – $15k, keep in mind we're in South Florida.

2.) Would I be able to "lower" our insurance plan/tier after this is taken care of in the next couple of months?

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3.) Any other suggestions, tips, feedback for a new dad that's completely lost and disappointed in the state of healthcare today.

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/msalabarria