Help me navigate this industry.

My wife is going back to school after having decent insurance from a hospital job for several years to cover us both. I'm self employed WFH and make good money from doing that so it's a good time for her to try and grow her career.

She will be losing her insurance in June and will be in school for three years. We had Cigna.

We are in our 30s and healthy. She has more health problems than I do. She once spent 5 days in the hospital and left with a $300K+ bill. We ended up paying $6,000 total so I recognize that in America this is absolutely necessary to prioritize.

My main concern is there seems to be enrollment periods and I'm not sure when they are or how often they occur. Is there a month to month Netflix-style subscription option our there?

I've tried applying for something government sponsored, but it essentially told me I make too much money to qualify.

No kids. No big loans outside of our house and probably a student loan in the near future.

Tell me the best ways to navigate this. Ideally low cost, huge coverage. If I need to get specific for pinpoint accuracy when choosing the things I need covered I can.

Dental and vision are preferred to be included.

submitted by /u/fr0z3nf1r3

See also  Health insurance is a scam!! Please help