HELP ME ( FREELANCER ) Select a plan for the FIRST TIME:

Hi everyone,

I'm a 31, single male, I moved from another continent to the states, MARYLAND about a year ago and for the last year I haven't had an insurance at all, now that I want to enroll in one, as a low incomer, i do freelancing, I thought i can secure a medicaid plan but it turns out I have to be a Citizen, so in 4 years..

Freelancing is not a stable income and I'm just starting out in this country so this September I only earned $1000..

I was in Marketplace submitting my stuff and then i got these offers to choose from in PRIVATE plans, I'm honestly confused by the numbers I don't know which is which, how much will i pay annually or monthly, i'm just looking for the cheapest as someone who raarely goes to the doctor or need care..

I would love it if it includes dental and vision, but i understand that that's probably a rarity so it's okay i can deal with that later, even though my tooth broke and I need to fix it soon enough.. ( also want to change my glasses later ) but yeah, please any info will be helpful, i don't wanna pay alot, like I Said i don't really rely on it ( even tho – again- I'm gonna need a simple operation for removing some warts ) but that doesn't happen often.. here's an attachment to what's confusing me. how to read it?

submitted by /u/migalo2009

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