Help me Choose my Health Insurance

Hi, I just graduated from UCSB with dual degrees. As a result I no longer have school health insurance so I was wondering if I could get help selecting a health insurance that fits with my lifestyle and needs?

I don’t really understand the nitty gritty of health insurance and was looking for some help.

Here’s some information about me I don’t see a primary physician or a specialist frequently I don’t need emergency care I don’t take expensive brand name medications on a regular basis I don’t plant on having any kids I am not diagnosed with any chronic conditions.

The main reason I need health insurance is for my yearly vision and eye check ups. Also I wear contacts so health insurance usually pitches in for that cost. I am relatively healthy and don’t want something pricey and I’m in California if that makes a difference. I have low income of around $20,000.

I talked to Covered California and they told me my cheapest option was $160 if I applied for the Blue Shield (medical coverage) + Washington National plan (critical illness plan).

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