I just started a new job and am trying to choose my health plan. I'm 27F, living in CA, no kids, generally pretty healthy (really the only times I've seen doctors are for checkups and mild psoriasis). I am coming back from living abroad though so I don't have much experience navigating the US system as an adult.

plans comparison: https://imgur.com/a/pQQ8ExM

– My job is offering HSA with a $30/ month contribution and this is the only plan that is compatible. But what is HSA really anyway and do I want it?
– My mom who is a doctor told me Kaiser is generally better, but I see it requires a referral which is annoying and doesn't have out of network coverage.
– I don't understand how this plan is the "high deductible plan" but has a lower deductible than most of the others.
– I also don't understand why the PCP for this one is "$30 after ded", how is that different from the other pcp copays?

submitted by /u/shabangcohen

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