Help! Low deductible High monthly vs. High deductible Low monthly

Hello, novice here. I need to make a choice in an employer's plan and I need advice.

I know you all cannot give direct advice but your opinion would be greatly appreciated.

Here's the setup: I have a major surgery coming up in 2024 for hip dysplasia. I've looked it up and it should cost about $30k.

The options I have for insurance with my employer are as follows:

HDHP PLAN 1 which has a deductible of $2,250 and a biweekly cost of $168 out of my paycheck. This one requires me to pay 20% after my deductible is met for surgery.

HDHP PLAN 2 which has a deductible of $5,000 and a biweekly cost of $46 out of my paycheck. This one requires me to pay 10% after my deductible is met for surgery.

Note: I have an option to contribute to an HSA PLAN with a max of $4,150

In your opinion would it best to get the high deductible low deduction plan (HDHP PLAN 2) as it will save me money every two weeks and then use my HSA to help cover the large deductible?

Or, the other plan where I am losing more every two weeks but the deductible is lower?

submitted by /u/Vadersleftfoot

See also  No idea what to choose