HELP! I accidentally opted out of Health Insurance last open enrollment, is there anything I can do

Hi, I'm fairly young, pretty healthy, and have extremely poor attention to detail.

I somehow opted out of health insurance last open enrollment. I have no idea how this happened, i have a fairly clear recolleciton of signing up for it, but I was also very rushed, often make dumb clerical mistakes like this, and hardly ever go to the doctor/think about my coverage, so it's possible (likely) i screwed something up.

I figured this out this week because I decided I wanted a check up, looked for my health insurance info, and saw i didn't have any. (ironically I managed to sign up for dental, life, dismemberment, just not the most important one.)

Obviously my HR politely told my dumb ass to go fuck myself, and the next open enrollment is November (so not too far off). That being said, I want basic coverage in case i get hit by a car or slip and fall.

Is there anyway I can buy short term insurance for the next 2-3 months?

submitted by /u/khinzeer

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