Help finding affordable healthcare

Hello. 28F unable to find affordable health insurance I can actually use due to medical history. I make approx 30k/year gross and am in school. 2 years ago I had insurance and was diagnosed with two breast tumors. Getting treatment on one tumor & one lumpectomy with insurance cost me 12k + 2 months bed rest. After this, my insurance went up. It was $220/month with $50 deductible for regular check ups, 5k deductible and 80% coinsurance and went to $350 with 8k out of pocket before they pay anything and was through my employer at the time. I looked into since I am in GA. Even there, best offer was $280month for 11k deductible then they cover 60% thereafter.. I cant afford to pay another 11k or 8k out of pocket and having to self pay for everything until I meet that isnt realistic either so i’ve been uninsured. The insurance payment alone would be max I could afford just to get a check up out of pocket. Trying to find affordable insurance option that i’d actually be able to use. I still have one tumor I couldn’t afford to check out and it’s been giving me anxiety. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Zestyclose_Camp1873

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