Help? Eighteen, trying to escape home situation.

Hello! I don't have much experience with insurance stuff at all, I've been trying to read up on it but it's still all a bit difficult for me to understand. I am currently planning on moving from TN to FL to stay with extended family, to get out of a delicate home situation, but I have been under state insurance my whole life. I am currently under Bluecare, the TN medicaid, with full coverage. I know that if you are under 19 in FL you are eligible but I have no idea how to apply, since you're supposed to have a guardian apply for you I think, and I don't know if the family I'm going to stay with will count. The application process as a whole is confusing.

I can not move without insurance due to health issues, but I desperately need to get out of the house, I'd really appreciate any help at all. If it makes any difference, I did live in Florida with full coverage till I was fourteen.

submitted by /u/Immediate-Risk8112

See also  Affordable care act/insurance coverage