Help deciding between two 2023 plans

So the Marketplace allows you to preview 2023 plans already, and I’m getting a jumpstart on picking a plan. I’ve narrowed it down to 2 plans which are ALMOST identical – same insurance company, mostly same coverage, and only 3 dollars difference between the two. I’ve provided links to their Summaries of Benefits and Coverage below.

As far as I can tell, the main differences between the two is that for Silver 3, while the office visit copays and OOPM are slightly higher, the plan provides pre-deductible copays for diagnostic tests (x-ray, bloodwork), emergency room visits, and rehabilitative services, whereas Silver 2 only has post-deductible coinsurances for those three items. Everything else appears to be identical.

On one hand, I see my psychiatrist every 2 months, so office visit costs is a known expense I will need to pay. But the difference in copay amount between the 2 plans for such visits is only 5 bucks, whereas if I need to get blood drawn this year or God forbid have to go to the Emergency room, the copays could save me from paying who knows how much out of pocket. Thus, to my mind, Silver 3 seems to be the better option “just in case” I end up needing those services.

So what do you think – am I missing something? Is my logic flawed? Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Silver 2 –

Silver 3 –

P.S. – For Silver 3, the “Mia’s simple fracture” amount is a couple hundred more than for Silver 2, despite the pre-deductible copays I mentioned above. Anyone know why that would be? The math doesn’t seem to add up.

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