Help deciding between 3 plans, overlapping jobs

Hi all,

I am transitioning jobs, and my (soon-to-be) old employer offers health insurance through the end of August. My new employer of course offers health insurance right away.

I need help deciding between three options for coverage from now thru August (after which, of course, we'll enroll in the new employer plan). Importantly, my wife is pregnant and is due in November, and having a baby is very expensive, so hitting any reasonable deductible is likely.

Option A. "Current" plan HDHP Premium: $473/mo ($1,892 total for 4 months) Employer contributes $278/mo ($1,112 for 4 months) to HSA $5,860 left to spend until both family deductible and out-of-pocket is hit 0% co-insurance

Option B. "New" HDHP plan HDHP Premium: $499/mo ($1,996 for 4 months) $3,000 family deductible $7,200 family out-of-pocket max 20% co-insurance

Option C. "New" PPO plan PPO Premium: $611/mo ($2,444 for 4 months) $500 individual deductible $1,000 family deductible 20% co-insurance $3,600 individual out-of-pocket $7,200 family out-of-pocket

I'd love to hear suggestions, but my thinking is this: stay on the current plan (Option A) because of the low premium and amazing employer HSA contributions. Then, switch to the PPO plan via qualifying life event on September 1st, since we'll easily hit the deductible with the hospital & medical costs of labor & delivery. We have a ton saved in our HSAs, so this is purely a financial optimization question.

Thanks so much for the help. — a confused future dad

Edit for the bot:

Age = 30 ZIP = no thanks. We are in the Twin Cities area. Income = approx. $180K/yr submitted by /u/bad_person69

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