I posted recently but wasn’t able to post a photo of my plan options so wanted to make another post.

I have had Cigna OAP for almost 8 years now since that was the only option my company offered. Effective next month, we will have to choose from two new options and I am not sure which one would be better for my and my son. I am not too good with this kind of stuff and apologize 😫

To add: I see my PCP quite often. I am currently on GLP1 medication , have herniated disc, arthritis in my leg and spine. I visit my dermatologist quite often as well as my Ortho doctor. My son also has to be in PT through out the year for Osgood Schlater knees, sees PCP once in a while for asthma and has been to urgent care a few times since he plays a lot of sports.


HSA: $135 biweekly Surest: $162 biweekly

HSA: $2k/$3500 Deductible & $3500/$7350 OOP

Surest: No deductible & $4k/$8k OOP

HSA: 80% coverage after deductible for most. 100% preventive.

Surest: $15-$70 co-pays for most. 100% preventive.$750 ER. $75 urgent care, $2750 inpatient stay.

HSA: 20% after deductible for generic and 30% for formulary meds.

Surest: $10 copay for generic & $60 for formulary

Employer contribution to HSA: $600 max annually

I am leaning towards Surest but not sure if that’s the best option! Any help or advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Hashbash1234

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