Healthequity not reflecting that I hit my deductible, how to get corrected? want to get reimbursed for LPFSA-as-FSA expenses (post deductible)


i have a HDHP with anthem blue cross and an LPFSA. on the anthem site it accurately shows that i hit my deductible in december.

i knew that, but still had $$ left in my LPFSA, so bought a bunch of regular FSA eligible items between the deductible met date and end of the year, on my personal credit card.

im now going to submit reimbursement requests from my LPFSA account in health equity, but it doesn’t reflect that i have hit my deductible.

any advice on how to get healthequity updated/informed that i met my deductible? and then ensure i get reimbursed for FSA expenses i made afterwards?

im looking at my healthequity account and it’s very confusing, some of the really high expenses (like $500 to see a specialist, because it’s a HDHP) show up, but they show as “unpaid”, even though i paid with my personal credit card through the provider website (Sutter). i understand those expenses are not LPFSA eligible.

any tips or recommendations are appreciated!

submitted by /u/amespresso

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