Healthcare Marketplace Options – Are there ANY good ones? – Texas

I know next to nothing about the marketplace, I have been reading as much as I can, but every time I search a specific insurer/group by name, I get a litany of horror stories.

I qualify for a special sign up based on losing insurance when I moved, I’d rather pay a little more each month than have an unknown amount I owe at a later date, if that makes sense.

Is there a trick or rhyme or reason to whittling down what options are best? I mean, I have no idea what my usage of the services will be. So I can’t really guesstimate there. I could be there every day, or I could go once a year or less, it all depends on what they find and how bad it is.

Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Edit: To add if it makes a difference, I am Male/43 and I’m going to likely need a full work up to see where I am at health wise. I haven’t been to a doctor in 7 years. I have zero doubt there isn’t something going on with me health wise, covid did a # on me (even with the vaccine), and I have some lingering other issues that seem to effect my energy and feeling good any given day.

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