Healthcare Enrollment Question – can I still cancel individual policies during enrollment period

M(mid-30s), To be frank, I was enroll very recently (as of thursday) and I was stoked that my current employment (state government) had a $0 down, employer-provided healthcare plan + dental + vision and term life insurance. My question is That the Account manager from health insurance has sold me on their products (individual insurance and life insurance) that to me, looked good when i signed up. But on the weekend, when I did research on these policies, and the process on making claims, as well as examining my current life style and I had a second thought. The bill would turn out to be $623 and it won't be in affect until the beginning of October.

The question is, do I have time to change my plan, and cancel these policies before it comes to effect?

Its with American Fidelity and here are the products that they got me to sign up for:

Critical illness insurance Cancer insurance Life insurance Accidental insurance Disability Group hospital indemnity

The issues is that its quite expense for someone who is single in my opinion and my employer already has a good plan and is already provided. Also I am extremely ignorant when it comes to healthcare Insurance and sadly, I feel stupid for signing up.

Note: at my employment had their open enrollment scheduled during the summer and it won't go into effect until October and my state of residence is in California.

Any advice, experience would help.

submitted by /u/zengeki23

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