Healthcare about to change in Georgia.

Anyone else that lives in Georgia who is just now finding out that when enrollment starts for the next year come November 1, but the state of Georgia is taking over the options for anyone living in the state? 😱

Just saw an article online about it tonight. I had not heard a thing about it. So apparently when enrollment starts this year, if you try to go to, it will refer you to some new site that the state of Georgia is going to run and you have to get your insurance through the state . Of course they are saying there will be more options and that it will be cheaper, but we pretty much know how that’s going to work in a red state that typically is against affordable healthcare for large numbers of people.

The ACA hasn’t been perfect, but it’s established. And little by little it has improved over time. I had cancer a little over a year ago and had I not had my plan from it, I probably would not be alive today. This is stressful because I can pretty much be assured that they are not going to offer the same types of plans at the same rates that version has been offering.

submitted by /u/PickleManAtl

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