Health insurene won’t cover prevenative care

I don't know what to do. My mom has had cancer 4 times. She is in remission but to prevent it from coming back she is on a preventative Chemo pill. This pill drops her chances of getting it again from 70% to 40%. She's about to lose her tricare as her divorce has been finalized. She doesn't make any money and is unable to work. She'll have to have medicaid. But they won't cover her preventative chemo pill. That pill cost over $300 and she needs it twice a month. They also won't be doing scans as frequently as her old insurance allowed. I've been crying for hours now looking at other insurance plans, but everything seems so expensive at $300-$400 a month just for 1 person. She can't afford that. And I don't know how I'll be able too. My family is already struggling to keep our heads above water. I'm terrified, my mom is everything to me, I don't want to see her get sick again.

submitted by /u/Luca_lou

See also  Opinion: Georgians risk losing access to affordable health care unless Congress acts - Appen Media