Health insurance won’t pay for self inflicted injuries

Hello! I’m in upstate New York, in 2019 I was hospitalized for a suicide attempt and my health insurance paid most of the bill, then apparently took the money back months later stating that they do not cover self inflicted injuries. (This information came from the hospital after I asked about a balance I saw online after paying a different bill, and the balance is apparently already in collections because I didn’t know it existed until today.)

I’m talking about an $11,000 bill here, which I cannot pay nor do I think I should have to. A quick google search told me that refusing to pay for “self inflicted” injuries is illegal for insurance companies to do, since it is caused by mental illness and insurance companies are supposed to pay for your injuries caused by illness. So my question is, is this information true? And what do I do about this now, seeing as this bill is from 2019, the money was taken back in 2020, and now is in collections? Thank you for any information or advice you can offer!

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