Health Insurance trying to fuck me over?

I recently had a life event (quitting my job and losing their insurance) that made to where I was able to switch over to Blue Cross Blue Shield (NC) Before then I had been paying my therapist $75 per session. I checked with my therapist to make sure she took my plan and she said yes. Once my coverage for my new insurance went through I started my sessions for only $10/session which worked out because I went from $15/hr to $8.50/hr. She called me today and said that BCBS denied all my claims and didn’t have any other reason other than they were “unprocessable“ and then told her that they would be $50/session. NONE of my claims have shown up through my portal since I started this new plan. Which means I couldn’t see that they were even being denied. I was on the phone with them for over an hour just for them to tell me she was out of network and I would have to submit the claims myself. I asked the lady on the phone if anything could be done since they are required to inform me that my claims are being denied (note: I have 10 sessions built up aka $500 I don’t have) and she brushed it off and gave me the email to submit my own claims. Is there anything I can’t do? I read online that insurance companies are required to tell you that you can dispute and how to do it.. which I was not told. Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/bellebear03

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