Health Insurance, Private Plan, Which to Take in NYC for Young guy/couple

I'm looking for a normally priced private health insurance plan that makes the most sense for me. I just started out working $90,000 salary in nyc. My employer's plans are expensive (not sure yet how expensive but I will find out but I keep hearing that they are not worth it…). I need to get a monthly prescription of Adderrall, which means that I also need to have a monthly telehealth visit with a psychiatrist but otherwise I have no monthly health needs. My wife works on a 1099, which she's opened an LLC for to pay less taxes on / have her own business. Should I get a plan for just myself or one with her? Are plans for couples the same or cheaper? She doesn't have a need to see a psychiatrist but she has crohn's, so she needs to see a GI once a year and possibly other doctors if issues come up. This year she's had to see a dermatologist three times and now she needs to see a neurologist. We are both young in our mid to late twenties. Any thoughts on our options for healthcare choices in NYC?

submitted by /u/Lazy_Ebb1210

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