Health Insurance Premium Issues

For the last 5 months, my health insurance has been wonky. I have BCBSM and when I was arranging health insurance for 2023 back in December. Everything was fine, I was paying my premiums monthly through their ebilling. One day, late March early April, I get a letter saying that my health insurance is terminated. No reasoning, so I called them to ask why.

So begins the journey. They had told me that I haven’t been paying my Premium for a changed health insurance plan beginning of February. Couple issues here.

1: I have ALL the confirmation numbers of receipts of me paying my premium, from January up to this point.

2: I did not authorize a change in my health insurance plan anywhere between January and February, as the enrollment period and everything was set up in December.

They then had told me that somehow I had 2 health insurance plans running and they were trying to fix it. They had refunded me and updated my plan to what it was supposed to be, but with a slight increase of my premium (which I didn’t mind because it wasn’t that much).

SINCE they had refunded me, I made a payment for January through April just so that my account was fixed. I thought everything was fine then.

Fast Forward: May. My bill comes in. It’s for an amount that totals OVER what my premium is supposed to be, AND it’s billing me for January through May now. What’s going on??

I call them, and they said that they needed to look into my most recent transaction of January through April and do the confirmation number of what I had paid.

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Skip to present day, they said that my account was fixed, but when I had asked what the premium is, it is now 100$ more than what I had arranged for initially. Premiums are a set price that’s a yearly change, and the fact that it keeps increasing after 8 phone calls 2 months, nearly 6 months of not being able to use my health insurance to sett up a physical.

Can someone please assist me in what I need to do now because this has been a very frustrating experience. This is also my first time getting my health insurance separate from my parents since I am coming of the age where I can’t be reliant on them. My most recent update has been me inquiring why my Premium has increased AGAIN, and Blue Care Blue Shield Michigan NOT having an answer for me, and saying that they’ll call me back, AGAIN. After 2 full months, almost going into the third one, here’s the things I would like advice for:

1: If they aren’t able to fix my premium, I’m a healthy person. I’m only screwed if I get into an accident (which can absolutely happen) I would prefer to not pay 100$ more than what my premium initially was. If I need to state amounts, I can but it’s going through a lot of receipts that I’m too tired to search for atm. I will edit if I need to though. But TLDR, should I be changing my health insurance provider and demanding a refund?

2: If I were to stick with them, how can I assert myself so that everything is fixed, or why this situation has happened in the first place? Everything is a mess and has been a constant mental drain.

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Any advice is appreciated, and thanks for reading this turmoil. I have no idea what’s going on, I am inexperienced, but my current logic says that none of this should have happened in the first place.