Health insurance medical expenses appeal

My father was admitted to the hospital after experiencing dizziness, prompting the arrival of an ambulance. He reached the emergency room at 10 a.m., where he underwent an X-ray and a CT scan. Six hours later, at 4 p.m., the attending physician informed us that he needed to be admitted due to the presence of an uneven smile, which raised concerns about a possible transient ischemic attack that would not be detectable through the X-ray or CT scan. Consequently, further tests were required, including consultations with a neurologist. An echocardiogram and MRI were performed later that night at 10 p.m. He was discharged the following day, and fortunately, all results came back negative, indicating no issues.

A few weeks later, I received a notification from the insurance company stating that they would not cover the expenses, leaving us responsible for nearly $3,000. The denial was based on the assertion that his admission was unnecessary for treatment. Is there a valid reason to pursue an appeal? Would it not have been possible to conduct the MRI while he was still in the emergency room, thereby avoiding the need for admission?

submitted by /u/surface_2_air

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