Health Insurance in New York >$1000/mo Premium

Our employer is offering to pay up to $1k for individual (we pay any overage, and these days it's between $40 to $80 depending on plan we pick), and we have to pay for our spouses/partners out of pocket, which means over $12k/year on health insurance for individual. We are family of 3 with only 1 person working, I am getting Child Health Plus for my son, full premium due to income being just above the limit. That's another $3600/yr for that. There has to be some other solution to getting my wife covered. She is not working, I might ask her to find a job that offers health insurance, that alone would save us $1k/month but I am not sure if any part time jobs offer health insurance these days. How could people afford $2500+ health insurance, in case their employer doesn't cover them, for family of 3. Our savings are going to health insurance. What are my options to get my wife covered without having to pay over $1000/month?

submitted by /u/coni_gitar

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