Health insurance giving me the run around—what can I do?

I (24F) am new to the insurance world and need y’all’s help. I work in the financial services field and make 47k. I’m generally healthy but was diagnosed with microcytic anemia two months ago and was informed I may need an iron infusion down the line.

My insurance sent me a list of in network infusion centers that either did not exist anymore or were located on the other side of the country. I submitted an appeal to get coverage for an out of network nearby infusion center and it was denied. A week after they denied my appeal, they informed me of an infusion center in my area that is not listed on their website but I called anyway to schedule. The infusion center lets me know that I need prior authorization beforehand and my prior authorization was denied due to lack of clinicals (meanwhile, it takes the infusion center 7-14 business days to process all documents before scheduling can occur). My doctors office says they sent it over already multiple times. I am going to appeal the denial obviously but I’m stuck. It takes 14 business days for my insurance to process anything and I can’t even schedule/get on a waiting list until this part is over. It might take months before I can even schedule anything. My quality of life is really suffering because of my health condition. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/nomoresportydates

See also  Understanding California Health Insurance Laws