Health insurance for Humira and Benlysta?

Wife and I recently purchased a private insurance plan that’s $2,043 a month for our family of 6 with no deductibles only copays. One of our children has cerebral palsy. So far not good news. The plan actually doesn’t cover his physically therapy fully. Still pay 50% for his weekly therapy. His therapy is 100 bucks a week but it sure adds up.

The agent said it won’t cover Humira nor Benlysta but that he can offer “coupons” and we’d only pay $25 a month for the Humira and Benlysta.

Over the weekend my wife became a little skeptical. She says the agent sent her pretty much just a copy paste email of a few websites for Humira and Benlysta, though he made it sound like the coupons were something exclusively offered with the expensive insurance plan. And the coupons on the sites only bring the prices down like 50%. It’s not the “$25.00” per month he was talking about. They’d still cost thousands.

Now we want to cancel that plan.

Edit: Agent also said full refund within 30 days if we never used it.

submitted by /u/xxxFalco

See also  Never got the bill. Now in collections.