Health insurance explained to a dummy

Hello, I am posting this as I am completely clueless about health insurance in the United States and I am hoping somebody might be able to explain it to me like you are explaining it to a child. Last year I started a job which offered 3 different health insurance plans. Having never had proper health coverage before I got excited but then realized that it was super expensive to go with a low deductible plan and since I very rarely go to any doctors and am fortunate not to have any health problems I opted for the high deductible since I wanted to keep my costs low.

My yearly out of pocket deductible is $5,000 which I will most likely not even get to close to reaching this year. So I am wondering what is the value of having this insurance at all? Is it really just more of a “disaster care” in the event that something catastrophic happens and I wind up with medical bills in the hundred of thousands of dollars? So in this case would my insurance pay out? Please excuse if there are very silly questions but I actually don’t know what it the point of paying for such an insurance plan. I am not originally from the US and been living here 10 years (now a citizen) so I never had health insurance until recently…and I am obviously quite confused about how it works lol.

I appreciate any feedback you may have.


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