Hi all! This may not be the right place to post and may need legal assistance at this point but wanted to see what this community thought.

My husband was involved in an off road vehicle accident. It was a type of ATV and his parents do NOT have insurance on it. We were riding on his families land (another important factor because we do NOT want to sue his family). We took my husband and his dad to the hospital and for some reason my husband’s insurance denied the claim and said that it needed to be filed with the auto insurance. His father’s insurance did NOT say the same thing with his claim. Ny husband explained that it was not a vehicle it was off road and that they don’t have insurance on it. They told him he would need to file with the land insurance(they don’t have and then they said try the home owners insurance). During this confusion we had appealed the denial and was working to contact the home insurance. We told the hospital this several times but they still sent this to collections after a month of us back and forth with all these insurance agencies. We are calling the collection agency to deny this collection and explain we’re in an appeals process but honesty we feel as if our insurance dropped the ball. Not receiving faxes, or calling us back, not letting us know they need more info, basically making their clients dig for info. Any suggestions on what we should do , where we messed up would be greatly welcomed!

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submitted by /u/_powergirl