Hi! I'm 28F, trying to decide on an insurance plan for a new job. I'm living in NJ but working in NY. Income in 150-200K range. I'm relatively healthy, but have had minor OB/GYN surgeries (which I have paid very little for because I've had really good health insurance) in the past. No prescription meds or conditions that require consistent monitoring.

Regular HDHP (HSA-eligible) Annual premium $1,600 $1030 less $500 company contribution to HSA = net $530 Deductible $600 $1750 OOP max $2000 $3500 Office visits (primary/ specialist) $20/$30 copay 20%/20% after deductible Co-insurance 10% 20%

Gut instinct is to go with regular plan for less anxiety over medical expenses (and avoid mindset of not seeing doctors due to cost concerns) but want to see if you guys have any insight. I know that HSAs are great investment vehicles, so am wondering if it's better to go that route and have my money work for me in case I don't end up going to the doctor.


submitted by /u/abunni

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