I'll be turning 26 and coming off my parents Health insurance in January.

I've heard of Obamacare since it goes off income and I will be working as a independent contractor, so after tax deductions and business expenses, I will be poorer on paper and get more subsidies which I understand.

But my question is about a HDHP with a HSA. I understand the HSA tax deduction and you having a higher deductible each year, but with a significantly lower monthly premium.

My question is how much do you personally, or do you know how much a typical HDHP monthly premium is for a relatively health 25 single male? I try and look on Google and can't find a straight answer about the premiums for a HDHP.

One of my strategies to use besides Obamacare, is to get a HDHP with a HSA, and if the monthly premiums are really THAT low, I would get supplemental medical gap insurance in order to cover to super high deductible after the HSA is used. Basically, the gap insurance would pay for the remaining deductible balance after I spend the HSA towards the deductible.

Thoughts? And how much is a typical HDHP monthly premium? I hate the American healthcare system lol

submitted by /u/bvvr19

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