Having Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) as a secondary insurer

My university has offered me Anthem Blue Cross UCSHIP as a student insurance. The co-pays are pretty affordable and its convenient because my university has a hospital near campus. But I am currently enrolled in Medi-Cal as well. Finding a psychiatrist and therapist with Medi-Cal has been next to impossible for me but university's insurance is very generous with behavioral health benefits.

I'm thinking of taking the university's insurance, but what does this mean for Medi-Cal as a secondary insurance? My understanding is that Medi-Cal covers whatever your primary insurance doesn't (as long as it is a medi-cal eligible treatment). Will having a primary insurance unnecessarily complicate things with Medi-Cal? I'm torn on whether or not to take UCSHIP because I am having both physical and mental health issues and UCSHIP is really only helpful with the latter.

submitted by /u/No-Fig538

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