I’m going to turn 26 in July and be kicked off of my dad’s health insurance.

My job doesn’t offer insurance to any employees regardless of hours worked, or anything else.

I looked on the marketplace to try to find a plan, and all of them would set me back at least five hundred dollars a month which I really can’t afford.

I looked into Medicaid and found out that my state only allows you to sign up for that if you have children or are severely disabled, so that’s not available to me either.

My Dad’s insurance already doesn’t cover my doctor’s visits or prescriptions and I’ve been paying out of pocket for those all along, so once I’m kicked off it’s not like anything will change there. My main thing is I don’t know if the doctor will continue to see me and refill my prescriptions if I don’t have an insurance provider anymore.

Mostly what I need to know is;

Are there any options out there that I haven’t tried yet?

Is it okay to just not have insurance, or are there legal consequences for you if you don’t?

Will a doctor still see me and refill my prescriptions if I have no insurance, or can they deny me treatment because of that?

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