have i really messed up? overlapping insurance termination questions

Hi, I started a new job with insurance in March. Due to spiraling mental health and a very important person to me passing away, I got overwhelmed and did not terminate my previous marketplace insurance plan immediately. I'm slowly putting my life back together, including getting on top of insurance. I just tried to submit the termination request and I was able to put in a date in the past, so I requested termination for March 31. However, I am panicking as I'm not sure what happens now.

I received care in the period between 3/31 and now, which was charged to my previous insurance plan. The provider is still in network for my new plan and the services should be covered. The plans are with different insurers – previously BCBS, now Cigna. What happens now? Am I immediately liable for the costs that BCBS covered in this period? Is there a way to automatically transfer this to my new plan with Cigna?

I tried calling BCBS member services but their offices are closed, and I'm on endless hold loops with Cigna and panicked about what to do. I know I messed up from the start, but I'm just trying to fix things as best I can. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/tired8962

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