Have I been ripped off by my Pharmacy Benefits Manager?

My health insurance has a $2000 deductible that applies to both physician and pharmacy expenses. It is called a “shared deductible plan“ because it comes with a $1000 health reimbursement account that pays the first half of the deductible. I signed on to my Online portal a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to see that over $70 of that 1000 deductible was already consumed. My partner and I only had pharmacy claims until that time and our medication‘s are not expensive. I got into a chat on the pharmacy benefit manager portal and asked for an itemization of how much each medication cost against my health reimbursement account. It is not at all ascertainable on the consumer side of the portal. The guy on the chat was very helpful, he gave me a screenshot of some internal data that showed one single drug cost over $60. This drug should not cost that much. In fact, I filled it today without even using my coverage and paid only $12. I reported this to the insurance company and they called the pharmacy benefits manager while I held. They came back on the line and said that the pharmacy benefits manager claims that it’s actually an $80 drug and the only way my pharmacy could give me the drug for $12 was they had used the coupon. None of this is true. This is a basic generic drug that until recently even cost less than $10. Now I don’t wanna even submit any medication‘s for coverage under this plan because I don’t know how much of my HRA they will grab. I don’t have access to the HRA and I don’t spend it, the PDM and the health insurer do. I want my $50 back, which is the difference between what they grabbed for the medication out of my HRA and what it should have cost.

See also  Medical Insurance Premium