Have a "full time" job where the annual pay is less than the cost of family health insurance premiums. I’ve been paying the difference out of pocket, but do I even need to do this? How can the job retaliate against me if I don’t pay?

To add some additional detail beyond the title, this isn't my only source of income and yes, this is better to me than paying post-tax Obamacare with minimal credits, which is what I was paying before.

If anyone is curious, the job is with a non-profit private college. I was making almost $30k a year here as a 1099 adjunct, before they turned us into W-2 years ago at $15k per year, but with potential for more courses. Now we're down to $12k per year W-2 income with nothing extra possible.

If it matters, the employer insurance is through Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

I think the first year premiums were above pay, I paid $500 out of pocket. Then maybe $2800. This year it's over $5000 and I'm wondering if I even should be paying this. Like are they going to be able to do anything to me other than email me? Will they fire me over this? Like honestly I just don't want to pay because it sounds like a situation where it would just be ignored eventually, but I'd still have health insurance.

submitted by /u/randombull1

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