Has anyone here *personally* had bad experiences with health shares and if so which ones?

Like many of us, we’re self employed and our health insurance premiums are about to skyrocket due to a relatively good financial year. I’ve been looking into health shares. I know several people in person who have had nothing but great experiences with them. But Across Reddit, many people say they’re scams, very risky bc not obligated to pay, MLMs, “go watch that John Oliver piece,” etc.

But so far I’ve only seen one negative comment from someone using a health share who had a bad experience, and that was someone using Liberty years ago. It sounds like Liberty has improved but I don’t think I’m interested in them at all given their very shady business practices.

There are however loads of comments from people who have had good experiences from other health shares.

In order to do due diligence I’m soliciting stories from anyone who has had a bad experience with a health share organization. (Yes, I am very aware these are not insurance). I know you have to be out there! So if you’ve used a health share yourself, and have had a bad deal like they refused to pay, paperwork nightmares, and so on, I’d really appreciate hearing from you and what organization you were enrolled with.

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