Has anyone had success finding a medication your insurance covers that helped with weight loss? But not a "weight loss" medication?

My insurance informed me that no weight loss medication is covered and had to try manufacturing coupons. (but surgery is cover????)

I've been on Metformin, which kinda worked and I kinda liked it, but I had an allergic reaction on my face so I had to stop.

I'm stopping low dose Naltrexone because I just got hungrier and I'm very strict with my diet that my nutritionist made, but my body now acts like I'm starving and giving me symptoms of starvation, when I know I'm not. Also sex drive is GONE.

Now both these medications were covered by insurance. They're not for "weight loss". I see this is common with most insurances from looking around here and was wondering how anyone did a workaround. or found a medication that was covered.

My insurance helped me out during the Adderall shortage, so I was able to get concerta covered 100% for a few months, and all my doctor had to do was just write something.

I'm technically pre diabetic/at risk, it also runs in both sides of my family, and I'm overweight.

*Husbands insurance, through walmart DC, its the better of the options*

submitted by /u/Urban__decayed

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