Has 50% increase in Silver plans been typical post – American rescue plan?

My family’s ACA Silver 94 plan went up from $300 to $470 compared to last year. This is including all subsidies. This is a huge jump, and I was told it is because of the American rescue plans benefits ending. Have others experienced this?

We live in a rural area that is about 1.5hrs from a very large city in CA, which is in a different county. That city is where the nearest teaching hospital is located. We need to see multiple Drs at that hospital for our complex and somewhat rare chronic illnesses, so we can’t switch plans. Even though we’d qualify for a $0 premium if we could. We just can’t sacrifice the quality of our medical care. Some of these specialists have taken years or in my case decades to get to.

We’ve tried working with Drs in the smaller, closer city within our county that would be covered by other plans, and they’re ok for basic stuff like the flu or an ear infection, but our experience has been that they just don’t really know what they’re doing with complex patients when it comes to more serious illnesses.

Our plan is blue shield. It’s the only ACA plan that is PPO and covers in network the big city rare sub-specialists and the very uniquely qualified, wchronic illness competent, PCP my wife and I have been working with for years.

I realize you can fight insurance for gap/access to care exceptions and COC, but having just had to do this with one Dr I can’t imagine having the time and energy to do it with all of them, esp for ongoing appts.

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Just wondering if this huge a jump was common this year.

submitted by /u/ProfMooody