Gym membership (married couple)

My husband and I are paying out the wazoo for his crappy marketplace insurance plan. It's CareSource Silver and it comes with vision, dental, and gym membership.

The gym right by our house offers a significant discount for married couples. My insurance would not cover a gym membership.

I'm wondering, could we get his plan to pay a portion of our married couple membership and we pay the rest? Either they pay what they would pay for an individual membership, or they pay for half of the married couple membership. Either way, we would be saving money, and the insurance company would potentially be saving money as well, because we could work it out to where we are ALL paying less than what we otherwise would for both my husband and I to have a gym membership.

Is this generally allowed? Is it worth calling in to ask, or will they basically say that no, they will pay for his membership only and I have to get my own. It's a difference of about $250/year, so a nice little savings.

submitted by /u/AnythingNext3360

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