Graduating college and getting kicked out of the insurance. What do I get?

I am completely new to this and know nothing.

I’m a relatively physically healthy person, and rarely have doctor’s visits. However, I am pretty sure I have autism or some neurological disorder that makes life much harder for me compared to others. I want a plan that can cover long term remote meetings with mental health professionals, and also cover eye exams and glasses. In the future I may also need a lot of prescriptions.

Before I had a difficult time even finding a therapist in-network (and ended up just giving up entirely after the 3rd attempt), so if possible I want that process to be easier. I’m going to move out of state in the future and would like to keep my benefits, as getting a new therapist feels like throwing all the work away.

This is for an individual plan. Ideally I would like the telehealth to be fully covered as it was in my parent’s plan. I don’t trust using google because it’s full of sponsors and ads.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you

submitted by /u/nittynitty

See also  PCP dropped me because I had secondary Medi-Cal (Medicaid) last year