Got twin birth hospital bill almost 2 years later

New Mexico. I had my twins in December 2022. Our stupid marketplace, called BeWellNM, handles Obamacare plans in our state. They wouldn't add the twins to our policy because of a "computer glitch" for about 9 months. Finally added. By then, we use health insurance company was closing for good. Hospital submitted claim to them about a year after birth. I never heard back. I figured and hoped it died with the insurance company. But now, my twins are almost two, and the hospital is sending me a $15,000 bill to cover what the now closed down insurance company won't. Apparently the insurance company did process the claim and paid its portion. This seems insane for me to have this bill nearly two years after their birth. What can I do? It will be extremely hard to pay now because we've moved on, life has moved on. We start daycare next month. You can only wait for a bill for so long before that money has to go to something else. Thanks for any advice.

submitted by /u/ZiaGurrrrl22

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