Got talked into buying a terrible Health Insurance for my wife and kids. No way out till November?

My company's health insurance got extremely expensive when I included my wife and kids – so I made a post on Reddit about why Obamacare plans were so much cheaper for seemingly same coverage. That attracted some Insurance Agent via private chats that ended up talking me into buying an even cheaper private insurance plan.

Well… now 6 months later I'm sorely regretting not understanding what I'm buying – no deductible or max out of pocket – and it seems like the insurance doesn't actually cover much past some sort of arbitrary limits. Like we just tried to change pediatricians and when the office called the insurance to find out the costs it turns out that they only cover one wellness visit per year, after that every visit would be about a thousand dollars!

And of course with 5 months out of November it does not seem like I have a way to improve the situation. Is this really how the system works? You're free to sign up for something resembling a scam – and can't do anything but going insurance less until next Open Enrollment? I don't really know what I'm paying $750 a month with these guys for, and I'm scared for the next 5 months. I've already had to pay well over $5,000 in medical bills this year for the wife and the kids…

Also – for next year – do Obamacare plans have gotchas like this or do I need to just go back on the Company plan despite the high cost.

submitted by /u/sergius64

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