Got added to my parents’ insurance…what does this mean?

I’m in my early 20s and recently moved (to NC) and changed jobs. I now work for a company that doesn’t offer benefits (yay:|) so I’m on my parents’ plan. They have Anthem Bon Secours Mercy Health insurance (and live in MD), which is a new provider since I’ve been re-added. I called the service line to ask some questions about my plan and they needed an employee ID to do anything…I didn’t think I was going to have to go through my parents to this extent. Now I’m worried that I won’t even get my own portal – does this mean that my parents will be able to see my summary of care? As a young woman receiving reproductive care that my parents may not approve of, I’d rather they don’t have access to a deep dive into my health care.

Also, will they receive my EOB to their address? This is so frustrating; I can’t even call the insurance provider myself to ask for confidentiality options.

I feel like a kid again and potential lack of privacy is deterring me from going to the doctor.

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