Going crazy please help: separate deductible for behavioral health?

I recently started seeing a therapist and I triple checked prior to finding one that they were in network and covered by my insurance. I literally found them through my insurance portal (UMR) and called to confirm that my sessions would be covered since both my deductible and out of pocket has been met for the year. UMR confirmed my sessions should be $0.

Fast forward 2 months later, I’ve now gone to 5 sessions and I’m being told that my visits are being billed to a completely separate health plan under Optum health? With its own deductible, separate from my medical plan. Therefore I am responsible for 100% of the costs until my behavioral health deductible is met.

This is incredible confusing and I was never told, until now, that I had a separate deductible for mental health services. This whole situation is making me wish I never sought therapy in the first place as I know owe upwards of $1,000 in visits and I’m even more stressed now 🙁

TLDR; can anyone confirm if having a separate deductible for behavioral vs medical health is normal, and if so shouldn’t they have to tell me?

submitted by /u/spacexbass

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