I have a very good job, live in NY, and have always gotten the best health insurance plan offered to me. After dealing with some issues, I'm realizing that my insurance company is literally not paying anything for a lot of the procedures that are happening, and because of all of the different buckets they count towards what out-of-pocket means, I will likely spend far far more than I thought I would by the end of the year. At this point, I would have been far better off not paying these leeches, investing the money I've been paying them, and just paying these bills myself. Then I'd at least get better health care, rather than being herded through the local Health Corp. doctors that just waste my time and money, and I'd probably made a good chunk on top of it.

So my simple question is, how bad is it uninsured? Are there better options I'm just not looking into? I've heard doctors and hospitals will charge you different rates if you are self pay, but I've been warned that I might not get seen by doctors. Do I just need to shut up and get out my wallet in perpetuity? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/BengiPrimeLOL

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