Go to Primary Care Physician first? HMO Plan

Hello everyone. I am trying to see a psychiatrist and all the ones listed in-network for me are at least 30 minutes away. I saw good reviews on a psychiatrist who is in the same town as me (they are considered out of network for me) and I really wanted to go in-person vs telehealth. (I had therapy via telehealth and I didn't enjoy the format that much).

I was wondering if I could go to my PCP and get more referrals possibly even if I have some options to do telehealth already listed. If I go to my PCP will they just refer me to the psychiatrists already listed under my partner group or will they possibly be able to refer me to a psychiatrist closer that I can see in person? I have HMO insurance.

Basically, I'm wondering if it's even worth it to go to my PCP first because if I'm going to receive the same options that I have already listed I would rather save my 30 dollar co-pay.

I'm 21 and live in Illinois.

submitted by /u/nevvaleane

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