So I am going to travel at the end of this month and want to get healthcare insurance just in case. I contacted Cigna who is now changing their global health insurance offerings…

I talked to someone on the phone who said their Silver plan is currently $131 USD per month with a $750 deductible. This covers up to 1 million USD (impatient or outpatient) care. I would be able to go to the medical provider of my choice, and Cigna would pay the medical provider directly to make it hassle free for me. It is worldwide coverage, excluding the USA (hmmm I wonder why, jk we all know why). However this does not include dental and vision (a tag on of $43).

I’m a healthy 30 yr old male who budgeted around less than $100 per month for healthcare expenditures. I will be gone for at least 6 months to maybe a year. I don’t want to spend so much on insurance if I never use it. So I asked about a higher deductible to keep the monthly payment down. The agent said she could make the payments $95 a month with a $3k deductible.

What do you think would be the better option? I don’t know if I’ll be doing any extreme sports while abroad, but you never know what might happen. Anyone use global health insurance they recommend?

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